As a 30+ year professional in the development industry, Jeff Lindauer began his career in 1989 at the Indiana University Foundation as a student caller for the IU Telefund program. Various roles including Executive Director of Special Gifts and Annual Giving as well as Vice President for Advancement Services and Managing Director of Capital Campaigns have provided an opportunity to work with all aspects of fundraising at a major institution of higher education. His most recent position, Vice President for Advancement Strategy and Campaign Manager continued to utilize his skills to identify new areas of improvement and opportunities to further grow support for his alma mater.

Jef’s experiences range from annual giving, utilization and strategies for development research, prospect management, events, donor relations, stewardship and advancement technologies to enhance fundraising performance. As campaign director, Jeff coordinated activities and initiatives around Indiana University’s $3.8 billion “For All: The Indiana University Bicentennial Campaign.”

Jeff is co-author of Conducting a Successful Annual Giving Program, one of five books in the popular “Dove on Fundraising” series published by Jossey Bass.

In addition to giving presentations and seminars at many conferences, Jeff served as adjunct faculty at Indiana University teaching best practices in annual giving and other fundraising concepts.

Lindauer Consulting focuses on helping nonprofits of all types and sizes enhance their annual fund programs, identify areas of opportunity and efficiencies for their overall program, and personalized training programs and facilitating peer group discussions to allow professionals to learn from others in a data-driven environment.